[Podcast]3 Reasons to Add Podcasts to Your Marketing Strategy

The one thing that always remains the same in marketing is change. Content marketing is constantly changing, whether it is new video trends or podcasts, AI taking over, or content consumption shifts. As a marketer, your job is to stay ahead of these changes and evolve your strategies to remain relevant. Top marketers remain relevant by constantly thinking of new ways to reach their audience in compelling and exciting ways, like podcasts.

Podcasts have taken the world by storm, and clever marketers are figuring out how to incorporate them into their content strategies. Whether they develop a podcast about their services or advertise within podcasts, it’s an effective and engaging way to reach an audience.

Recently, BreAnna, the Marketing Manager for Marketing Solutions, sat down with Brittany Duncan, Manager of Podcast Operations at Endeavor Business Media and Marketing Solutions, to discuss podcasts.

Click below to listen to their chat about three reasons wise marketers are adding podcasting to their marketing strategy and seeing incredible returns.

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