The Work We Create

Marketing Solutions That Build Meaningful Connections

We lead the way in B2B marketing with an extensive portfolio of solutions. Our work helps clients solve problems, understand their business better, generate leads, attract new customers, and showcase their products.

Content Creation


When you want to get your point across, less is more

Impactful, expertly designed content that offers a quick read and valuable information helps you stand out from competitors and differentiates your brand. Detail 5-10 quick tips or steps to encourage a better understanding of a topic to unlock these benefits.

Customer Benefits
  • Positions your company as a thought leader and industry expert by offering informative, educational content that is easily digestible and shareable
  • Subtly persuades decision makers and influencers without a strong sales message
  • Helps our audience understand and evaluate your company’s product or service offering
  • Requires minimal input from your product or marketing team but still results in high-quality, visually appealing, and impactful content
Top Tips
Ask the Expert


Showcase your in-house expertise while solving industry problems

Put your leading expert in the spotlight in this quick-hit asset that uses the familiar Q&A format to position your company as a thought leader and industry expert. We’ll briefly interview your in-house expert or key strategic partner to address an industry problem, explore trends, or explain a product or service.

Customer Benefits
  • Builds trust with the audience through the words and image of your industry expert
  • Positions your company as a thought leader and industry expert by offering informative, educational content that is easily digestible and shareable
  • Subtly persuades decision-makers and influencers without a strong sales message
  • Requires minimal input from your product or marketing team but still results in high-quality, visually appealing, and impactful content


Pictures speak louder than words

Infographics are highly effective at grabbing your audience’s attention, getting extra mileage from research data, engaging users on social media, or driving traffic to your site. We’ll work with you to translate your selected data points into highly visual and easily digestible content.

Customer Benefits
  • Increases brand awareness and engagement with your audience
  • Educates your audience on your position on a given topic area
  • Positions your brand as a thought leader and industry expert
  • Extends the impact of associated content (research, white paper, etc.)


A familiar, trusted solution is even more impactful with expert design

As one of the most effective tools to establish subject matter expertise and thought leadership, white papers provide the opportunity to take a deep dive into your solutions to industry problems. We elevate this tried-and-true format with thoughtful design to break up large areas of text and showcase your images, charts and customer testimonials.

Customer Benefits
  • Positions your company as a thought leader and industry expert
  • Educates the audience on your approach to addressing industry problems
  • Helps the audience understand and evaluate your product or service
  • Subtly persuades decision-makers and influencers without a strong sales message
  • Enhances credibility through co-branding with associated EBM brand
White Paper


Take your audience on an immersive visual journey that’s truly unforgettable

Bring the written word to life through a StoryDesign, an engaging format that combines quality content with compelling imagery and interactive effects. Powerful as a standalone product or paired with a research program or other long-form asset, StoryDesigns easily convey highly technical information or statistical analysis. They also provide an exciting user experience allowing you to collect valuable data on user interactions.

Customer Benefits
  • Provides users with an optimized, dynamic experience across all devices
  • Establishes thought leadership and educates users on key topics
  • Encourages users to interact and learn more about the content that interests them
  • Extends the life of related assets, such as research, white papers, or webinars
  • Allows you to gain deeper insights into audience interest through metrics

Lead Generation


Develop impactful content that delivers qualified leads

With our robust database of subject matter experts, we’ll match the most qualified content contributor to your project to ensure a quality asset that engages your audience. Add a promotion package to capture leads with the simple integration of a gated registration form that can be applied to part of the final asset or the entire asset, depending on your preference.

Customer Benefits
  • Filters audience to most engaged and interested users as they must register to view the content
  • Provides the opportunity for up to two custom questions for registration and selection of desired registration fields
  • Leads reported via email on a regular basis (weekly or monthly, depending on market)
  • Promoted until lead goal is reached
Content Development & Lead Generation
Content Syndication


Get extra mileage with your content through a syndication program

Drive leads and elevate your company’s profile with a content syndication program designed to entice readers, heighten interest, and deliver qualified leads. Content syndication can be added to an existing or custom asset and is an ideal way to promote your white paper, eBook, or other informational assets behind a gated registration landing page.

Customer Benefits
  • Assets are hosted/gated on the associated Endeavor website
  • Enables access to target audience with the opportunity to define filters
  • Provides the opportunity for up to two custom questions for registration (on programs without filters) and selection of desired registration fields
  • Delivers qualified leads generated by the asset(s) at hand


A thoughtful experience that delivers behavioral metrics

A CEC is a powerful tool to expose audiences to multiple pieces of compelling, educational, thought leadership content, accelerating their journey through the decision-making process and capturing deep, useful metrics along the way. Our content marketing experts will create a “digital hub” to host your premium content, allowing prospects and existing clients to self-educate, content binge, and find inspiration.

Customer Benefits
  • Scores user engagement with 5-9 content assets (PDFs of long/short form content, videos, images)
  • Offers deeper metrics on the buyer’s journey from the top to the bottom of the funnel
  • Leads captured through one-time site registration for full access to content
  • Option to enhance CEC through a multi-channel promotional campaign (emails, social, or newsletter)


Leverage the power of video through expertly designed webinars 

No content marketing program is complete without video. Our webinar programs elevate your experts and build brand awareness and loyalty with our audiences. Use our popular Webchat option to feature your expert in an engaging, 30-minute 1:1 interview or feature multiple perspectives in a Virtual Roundtable. Connect a set of webinars on a broad shared topic into an impactful series.

Customer Benefits
  • Conveys your desire to partner with customers on solving industry challenges through the powerful medium of video
  • Educates professionals and encourages deep understanding of new applications, technologies, and services
  • Engages with audiences through a Q&A
  • Captures engagement metrics of time spent, poll answers, Q&A


Virtual events offer an elevated experience for attendees

Virtual events allow connecting with current and prospective customers by recreating unique elements from a live event. Choose from features including interactive town halls, matchmaking, and virtual panel sessions, organized through a dynamic calendar and, if desired, a branded mobile app.

Customer Benefits
  • Uses advanced features to offer a digital experience of a live event
  • Includes event website that enables additional sponsorship opportunities
  • Allows sponsors to host related assets or downloadable content
Virtual Events

Data Driven & Target Marketing


Precision Targeting, Powered by Machine Learning

Reach your target audience by serving them timely recommendations based on behavior insights and content consumption trends. We surface your content/products across all our related editorial content based on the audience’s interests and the content they are currently viewing.

Customer Benefits
  • On-site recommendations run parallel to highly relevant content

  • Content is served in prominent areas of the site that have been highly tested for click performance

  • Content displayed to the audience is automatically adjusted based on user interests and engagements

  • Real-time optimization always surfaces your best-performing content/products across our entire site

  • Push marketing is based on personalized and recommended content

  • Robust report showcases content engagement and recommendations

  • Turnkey approach—We take care of the marketing, personalization, and optimization
Audience Extension


Audience-based targeting using our first party data and website visitors

Extend your reach and stay in front of your most valuable prospects with audience-based targeting using our first party data and website visitors. Utilizing thousands of sites across the web, your campaign is displayed multiple times various on websites, displaying ONLY to those that fit your targeted profile.
Customer Benefits
  • Spending your ad budget targeting people you want to reach on the sites they actually visit
  • Increasing the number of times a prospect sees your ads to grow brand awareness
  • Shortening the amount of time it takes for prospects to build enough trust to make a buying decision
  • Increasing lead generation conversions by promoting your premium content  


Build your company’s brand, drive website traffic, and increase sales through LinkedIn and Facebook

We’ll manage your campaign using a single image, carousel, or video and create targets based on website visitors, our first party data, or by creating lookalike profiles. These names are active users that are currently within various phases of the buyer’s journey, where they are reading content and making purchases. Our dedicated project management team creates a turnkey approach that manages the social setup, optimizes your campaigns, and provides monthly reporting.

Customer Benefits
  • Higher CTR% using Facebook and LinkedIn than standard banner ads
  • Reaching an active, qualified target audience using our first-party data and lookalike names
  • Increasing the number of times a prospect sees your ads, growing brand awareness
  • Shortening the amount of time it takes for prospects to build enough trust to make a buying decision
  • Increasing lead generation conversions by promoting your premium content  
  • Can easily be added to any email or marketing campaign for wider exposure
  • Our turnkey approach saves you time managing campaigns—you only provide the creative
Social Targeting
Connected TV


Reach your B2B audience through connected TV and streaming apps

Promote your brand where people are already engaged through a 15- or 30-second video placement. Create brand awareness across multiple mediums to announce new product introductions, promote special offers, or gain an advantage over competitors.

Customer Benefits
  • Target audience based on your preferred business/industry descriptions, NAICs codes, or company name/company domain targets
  • We create an audience pool and give you a monthly forecast of impressions that can be served in a month
  • Reporting at the end of your campaign that will include impressions served, quartile, half- and full-plays data
  • Shortening the amount of time it takes for prospects to build enough trust to make a buying decision

Video & Podcast


Easily integrate video into your content marketing strategy

Video is a powerful engagement tool that must be wielded wisely to get the best results. A QuickChat video wastes no time, establishing an authentic connection with your audience through a Q&A format in less than 15 minutes.

Customer Benefits
  • Establishes thought leadership and conveys confidence through custom video format to our audience of decision makers
  • Leverages your company’s expertise through a 10-15 minute video interview that engages and informs viewers
  • Enables insightful conversation around 3-4 focused questions, giving you the opportunity to explain how your company solves an industry problem or help viewers learn more about your product or service
  • Attracts and engages new prospects and customers, especially on social channels
Explainer Video


Simplify a complex topic with an Explainer Video

Explainer Videos use animation and imagery to break down information in a way that is easy to understand and enjoyable to watch. Our team of video production experts will guide you through topic refinement, ideation, and storyboarding to create an impactful video that engages your audience.

Customer Benefits
  • Highlights your company’s approach to solving an industry problem
  • Showcases your product or service and educates the customer on how it works
  • Presents your “elevator pitch” on a concept in a highly engaging format
  • Develops a strong connection with viewers
  • Engages prospects and customers on social media through this proven format


Bring your product or solution to life through video

Ideal for building excitement around a new or existing product, Product Videos leverage the power of a trusted third party to explain the benefits of your solution. One of our subject matter experts will provide a quick (up to 3 minutes) and engaging perspective on your product or solution’s key attributes and the challenges it helps address.

Customer Benefits
  • Builds excitement around new product launches or positioning
  • Provides a credible third-party perspective on your product
  • Enhances your product rollout strategy through engaging medium of video
  • Useful as a pre-event video to drive attendees to your booth
Product Video


Generate awareness and be top of mind in this growing channel

Podcasts are a rapidly growing medium consumed by key personas. Our experts work with you on developing your podcast vision through editorial sponsorships or custom podcast episodes ranging from podcast chats, Tipisodes, Fast Facts, and ICYMI formats.

Customer Benefits
  • Supports brand building and thought leadership goals by putting subject matter experts and key customers in the spotlight
  • Gets your compelling content to the audience at their desk, at home, and on the road
  • Builds trust with the audience through audio by providing an authentic and personal connection
  • Subtly persuades decision-makers and influencers without a strong sales message
  • Requires minimal input from your product or marketing team but still results in high-quality, impactful audio content

Research & Insights


Harness the power of 1st party data and expert analysis

Our experts will guide your team through the entire research process, from survey development to an in-depth report. Through this collaboration, our subject matter expert will highlight key findings from the survey and offer insightful analysis, placing your company at the forefront of hot-button topics.

Customer Benefits
  • Provides valuable insights to your executives, marketing, product, and sales teams
  • Strengthens your thought-leadership position with customers and prospects
  • Generates qualified leads with a high-value asset
  • Creates the opportunity for additional content marketing when paired with a webinar, StoryDesign, infographic, or other related assets
State of the Market
Ad Logo Tagline Testing


Make a strong impression that resonates with your target audience

Crafting an ad that gets attention and delivers your message in a memorable way is a delicate combination of art and science. Our experienced research consultants use qualitative and quantitative methods to focus on the ad’s message clarity and ability to gain attention, create interest, and assess a logo’s or tagline’s memorability and effectiveness.

Customer Benefits
  • Utilizes focus groups, survey methodologies, or a combination of both to understand the market’s reaction and measure the ad’s effectiveness
  • Allows for the incorporation of visuals such as images, videos, logos, screenshots, and other graphic design elements into the survey
  • Helps refine messaging or test the effectiveness of logo design or tagline
  • Assures that ads are building interest among target audiences


Gain deep insight into the customer experience and build loyalty with your audience

You need to understand the customer experience to ensure your company delivers the quality of experience that builds loyalty among your users. Our Customer Experience Research is made to measure and identify experiences and behaviors that create loyal customers, enabling your company to address concerns and build on strengths.

Customer Benefits
  • Utilizes online surveys to create maximum anonymity for respondents, encouraging honest, insightful feedback
  • Builds a strong understanding of customers’ perceptions of your company
  • Enables customization for each client or industry to assure specific insights along with standard experience questions that are universal across industries
Customer Experience
New Product Development


Successfully launch a product with a two-phased research process

Build an insurance policy against market failure by getting feedback regarding your product concept, its benefits, features, barriers, price point, and even the overall competitiveness of the market through New Product Development Research. Our research consultants use a combination of qualitative insights and quantitative measurements to guide your new product toward success or ensure a well-informed decision on your investment.

Customer Benefits
  • Utilizes an online survey of the target market after exploratory qualitative research, resulting in confident measurement and statistical reliability
  • Provides detailed insights into the wants, unmet needs, product benefits, and the competitive environment through consultant-led, in-depth interviews (IDIs)
  • Builds a deeper understanding of the market’s perception of your product in the concept or updating/revision stages

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Content Creation

Lead Generation

Data-Driven Marketing

Video & Podcast

Research Insights

Let’s Chat

Connect with a digital marketing professional who understands how to bring your ideas to life. Please provide a few details to help us better understand how we can help you with your marketing goals.