A Guide to Repurposing Content for Omnichannel Marketing   

Oct 24, 2024

Through omnichannel marketing, organizations can reach their target audience in multiple ways.

By delivering a consistent message through various channels—such as sponsored content, email, social media, videos, podcasts, and blogs—marketers can create a seamless customer experience that builds trust and drives engagement. 

Read on to learn how to create and repurpose content that will be effective across multiple marketing channels.  

Challenges in Producing Omnichannel Marketing Content 

B2B marketing requires meeting the constant demand for fresh content that educates your audience and establishes your brand as a thought leader. Regularly producing high-quality, relevant materials can feel overwhelming. By using existing assets to create new formats, marketers can maintain an effective and cohesive omnichannel strategy without constantly starting from scratch.  

This strategy can save time, amplify your message’s reach, and increase your campaign’s results. Repurposing your best content is one of the best B2B content marketing tips you can follow. 

The Benefits of Repurposing Content 

Repurposing content can save time, but it offers far more benefits than that. It drives omnichannel marketing strategies by: 

  • Maximizing efficiency: Leveraging existing content helps marketers maximize their resources. Instead of constantly creating new material, repurposing allows your team to refine and expand existing assets, streamlining the content creation process. 
  • Establishing consistency: For B2B audiences, trust and professionalism build and maintain a strong brand. A unified message across all touchpoints reinforces credibility and fosters stronger relationships with clients and prospects. 
  • Increasing your reach: By tailoring content for each platform, you ensure a seamless omnichannel experience that connects with diverse audiences in ways that suit their preferences. Repurposing allows you to tailor your message for each channel, which taps more of your audience than a single-channel approach. 
  • Offering SEO advantages: Targeting the same core topics with multiple pieces of content can increase your organization’s search engine rankings. SEO for repurposed content includes targeting a broader keyword range, providing more opportunities for backlinks, and improving internal linking efforts. These can make your site rank higher and create more engagement. 

How to Identify Content for Repurposing 

While you won’t repurpose every piece of content in your arsenal, you can use simple content repurposing techniques to identify which content could be leveraged in multiple channels: 

  • Audit your existing content: Review your organization’s entire content library of blog posts, e-books, infographics, videos, white papers, etc. Identify the ones that represent your company and industry the best. In addition, figure out which ones best resonated with your target audience in the past. If content didn’t get many views or engagement, avoid them in your repurposing plans. 

More on evaluating your content>>

  • Assess evergreen topics versus trendy topics: While trendy or more timely content can garner attention and should be used in your repurposing efforts, make sure that you’re also using evergreen content. Evergreen content has a longer shelf life and, therefore, offers more value in the long run. 
omnichannel marketing

Repurposing Strategies for Different Channels 

Once you’ve selected the content you want to repurpose, choose the new format you want to create. This decision depends on what form factors (videos, articles, white papers, podcasts, etc.) your audience best responds to and the channels you plan to distribute the content. Some effective repurposing strategies for different channels are: 

  • Blogs to social media posts: You can break down long-form articles into bite-sized social posts. This allows you to share key insights in a more digestible format that encourages social sharing, likes, and comments.   
  • Custom research to short-form visuals: Take key findings from research or surveys and repurpose them into infographics, FAQs, or Top Tips. Shorter, visually-driven formats make complex data more accessible and shareable, which appeals to audiences who prefer quick insights. 
  • Webinars to e-books or blog posts: Use webinar content to create a Webinar Executive Summary highlighting the most interesting findings or key takeaways. Share it as a downloadable resource or a blog post, giving the content a broader reach beyond the live event. 
  • Video subject matter expert Q&A into articles or podcast episodes: By repurposing a video (which is uniquely important in a marketing strategy), you can reach those who prefer reading or listening over watching. 
  • Case studies to testimonials: Extract compelling customer quotes and key results from case studies to create testimonials or social proof for social media posts, landing pages, or email campaigns. Testimonials build credibility and trust with potential clients by highlighting real-world success. 
  • Blog posts to e-books: If you have a collection of blog posts that support an overarching topic, combine them into a high-value e-book that you could distribute via email or a gated webpage for lead gen. 

Best Practices for Effective Repurposing 

When creating a successful omnichannel marketing content distribution strategy, following repurposing best practices is key. Adapting your content thoughtfully and strategically maximizes its impact across different platforms and maintains the integrity of your broader message. 

  • Adapt for the platform: Tailor each piece of repurposed content to fit each channel’s format and audience expectations. For example, a blog post might be condensed into a social media post, while a webinar clip can be a short video for YouTube. 
  • Maintain consistency: Keep your messaging and brand voice consistent across all formats. This builds brand trust and recognition at every touchpoint. 
  • Optimize for SEO: Incorporate relevant keywords into the repurposed content to maximize search engine visibility. This makes each piece of repurposed content easily discovered by your target audience. 
  • Incorporate visuals: Infographics, videos, and slides make repurposed content more engaging. Visual elements enhance the user experience and help them retain information. 
  • Use AI for efficiency: AI can help with tasks like generating social posts, summaries, and visual elements, but shouldn’t be used to write an entire asset. Content created with a human touch still engages audiences best. 
  • Track performance. Continuously monitor how your repurposed content performs across various channels. Evaluate and adjust your strategy based on the results of each platform. 

Repurposing high-performing materials can save time, reach broader audiences, and maintain consistency across platforms. Now is the perfect time to audit your current content library and start experimenting with repurposing strategies that align with your marketing goals.  

More on content marketing>> Content Marketing: Your Competitors are Doing it, and So Should You 

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